It also retains its wall juggling concept from Tekken 4, but the element is effectively less easy to abuse and easier to defend against. For example, a move with jumping properties, such as a hop kick, will be completely invulnerable during most of its animation time to all of an opponent's low attacks. New to Tekken 5 is the Crush System which affects the vulnerability of a character while they attack. It incorporates a faster, more fluid fighting system, improved graphics, returning characters, and some of the Tekken series' trademark infinite stages. Tekken 5 is credited for taking the series back to its roots. The main menu of Tekken 5 on PlayStation 2, whicah had BGM for the first time He assumes the throne and smiles in a sinister way, hinting at events to follow. Now, Jin is the owner of the Mishima Zaibutsu. Jin defeats Jinpachi Mishima, who dissolves into dust and disappears. The entity is implied to have affected Jin’s Devil Gene, triggering the evil that had built up inside him. Jinpachi announced the tournament with the hope that someone would emerge with the power to kill him and put an end to the entity’s reign of terror before it starts. Now, the mysterious entity is consuming Jinpachi's mind. Jinpachi was finally freed from his prison when the Jack-4s destroyed Hon-Maru. Jinpachi was imprisoned beneath Hon-Maru 44 years ago by Heihachi and has been possessed by a malevolent entity. Jin enters the tournament and makes it to the final round, where he is confronted with the monstrous form of his great grandfather, Jinpachi Mishima. With Heihachi Mishima believed dead, it is unclear to the competitors who has called the competition. The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 is announced by the Mishima Zaibatsu. Realizing he cannot go on like this, he sets out to try and destroy the evil at its root. Jin retreats to Yakushima, but is plagued by nightmares that trigger his Devil Gene. He realizes that his devil form caused the destruction.

He blacks out shortly after fleeing Hon-Maru and wakes up in a destroyed forest. Meanwhile, Jin Kazama's Devil Gene causes him to lose control.

Speaking into an earpiece, he reports, "Heihachi Mishima is dead." A mysterious character, Raven, watches the scene from a nearby cliff. While Heihachi is restrained, the robots self-destruct, destroying Hon-Maru. During the battle, Kazuya escapes after betraying Heihachi and throwing him into the path of the robots. Kazuya and Heihachi begin fighting as a team against the robots. Shortly afterwards, just as Heihachi and Kazuya are coming to, numerous Jack-4 robots deployed by G Corporation crash through Hon-Maru's walls and attack. Jin ultimately defeated his grandfather and father and fled the temple in his devil form. The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 concluded with a face-off between three generations of the Mishima family – Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya Mishima, and Jin Kazama – in Hon-Maru.