
Download Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Download Giants: Citizen Kabuto

download Giants: Citizen Kabuto

Smarties are native to the area, and are mercilessly harassed, captured and killed by the Sea Reapers, and snacked upon by Kabuto. Can lay eggs to summon his offspring for assistance during battle. He's big, fast, very strong, and eats things (mostly Smarties) to regain health, grow bigger, and gain new abilities. Kabuto (singular - he's the last of his species) is a gigantic creature, originally created by the Sea Reapers to protect the Island, however they turned against their creators. There are the male reapers, who act as soldiers and guards, and the females, who appear to be the leaders (and spell casters). And was topless in the original game, censored with a bikini for the US market. You play as Delphi, a rebellious Sea Reaper (daughter of Queen Sappho), who isn't, in fact, evil. The Sea Reapers are a race of evil creatures, led by Queen Sappho, they can swim, very fast, they regenerate health in water, and have a special 'turbo' ability, enabling them to move around very fast when required (as the jet-pack does for the Meccs). Cannot swim, and in fact seem to attract swarms of piranha when in more than waist deep water. They're all British, for some never-explained reason, with the player playing as Baz, with companions joining up along the way. well, not quite sure, but they have an impressive array of weapons, gadgets, and rather handy jet-packs. The Meccaryn ("Meccs" for short from here on) are a high-tech race of.

download Giants: Citizen Kabuto

The four main races of the story, sometimes as allies, sometimes as food, are :.

download Giants: Citizen Kabuto

It was released with a lot of praise, but unfortunately never got the standing it deserved for its clever humour, cut scenes, and (with the occasional exception), excellent gameplay. Giants : Citizen Kabuto is a third person action (and racing, and RTS. ) game by Planet Moon Studios, which follows the story of three different races/creatures on a huge chunk of a planet known as the Island.

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